More Projects
And there is more…
Aside from the family research I do for my family, I am also doing searching for my Boyfriend’s family and another good friend as well. Additionally I’m helping one of my cousins discover the other side of her family that isn’t related to me.
Always more!!
I also find postcards or old photos that have things written on the back with names and hopefully dates. I search out who that person might be and do a write up about them.
One of the forums I visit on occasion had someone ask about who someone in a postcard might be from World War I. I was able to get his name, the name of his family. Some of the other members who are really into what people did in the war got that information. I was hoping he would have more that I could do, but he didn’t respond to my private message so now I find my own.
It’s a lot harder than it seems. But I manage to find a few that might be good post cards or photos, but the searching wasn’t quite so easy with them. Still it’s an interesting little project you will find more of here.
I’m sure more projects will pop up. They always do! lol